11 Bitcoin ETF's Have Been Approved. What Happens Next?

11 Bitcoin ETF's Have Been Approved. What Happens Next?

It has finally happened...

Yesterday, the SEC approved 11 Spot Bitcoin ETF's which is amazing for crypto in the long term.

 But the million dollar question is what happens next?

 Let me try and give you a few insights to what may lie ahead over the next few months. 

 When the news broke of the approvals, Bitcoins price reaction was rather underwhelming with Bitcoin rising 1.34% in the past 24 hours.

 However, Ethereum has surged 7.77% in the past 24 hours and some other alt coins such are Arbitrum is up 13.85% in the past 24 hours. 

 So to summarize, Bitcoins price action after approval has been a little like a damp squib up until now but the wider crypto market has responded very positively to the news as traders load up on smaller altcoins with the hope of making big gains down the road. 

 Over the medium to long term, billions of dollars of investor money will flow into Bitcoin which will create buying pressure and extra demand which will mean Bitcoin will surge in value. 

But short term, I think that there could be quite a large price correction for Bitcoin where we could see it dip to as low as $30,000 between now and April as traders liquidate their positions and take profits leading up to the ETF approvals. 

 However, I don't think we are going to se insane price rises (especially from Bitcoin) until after Bitcoins halving which is expected to happen on April 29th.

 In previous bull cycles, it is typically months after Bitcoins halving where Bitcoin reaches a new all-time-high and I believe this to be the case for this bull run.

 So I think the next few months are going to be fairly volatile with the smaller altcoin market seeing most of the price action. 

 But after Bitcoin's halving is when I think the crypto bull market will kick in as new investors flood into crypto through the ETF's and this money will filter down into the smaller altcoins which will see some truly monumental gains. 

 But mark my words, the approval of these Bitcoin ETF funds is going to be huge for crypto.

 Crypto will now be accessible to more people and investors than ever before and over this year and next, billions of dollars will flow into the crypto space.

 And Teeka Tiwari believes that this is only the start of the crypto ETF craze.

He expects many more asset managers to launch ETF's for smaller altcoins meaning that even more money will flow into crypto. 

 The next two years are going so exciting for crypto and many people are going to make life changing wealth by investing in the right projects if they decide to ride this crazy roller coaster. 

Why not join Teeka Tiwari's Palm Beach Letter and get his very best crypto research for 75% off the normal price here.