A Guide To The Last, Great Crypto Bull Run & How To Profit From It.

A Guide To The Last, Great Crypto Bull Run & How To Profit From It.

In this post, I am going to review the up-coming crypto bull and how crypto traders and investors of all levels and abilities can take part and profit from it.

I truly believe that this crypto bull run will be the last one we will ever see before crypto goes main stream and the crypto market as a whole becomes heavily regulated.

And I believe that this crypto bull run could be the most wild and profitable one yet and for some, generational wealth is available for the investors who make smart choices and have a clear entry and exit strategy.

So if you are excited to take part in this bull run, grab your favourite beverage and a pen and paper and take notes as over the next 5 to 10 minutes, I will explain how you can participate in this bull run for maximum profit.

Here is what I will be covering:

1) Bitcoin and the Bitcoin halving - The true start of the bull run.

2) How the money will flow through the crypto market during the bull run.

3) How to build a strategy to buy and sell your crypto for maximum profit

4) How to set your budgets

5) The hottest narratives of the crypto bull run that will make millionaires

6) I reveal three crypto plays that have up to 10X potential!

1) The Bitcoin Halving : The True Start of The Crypto Bull Run

On around the 19th/20th April, Bitcoin will go through a historical event called 'the halving'.

This event is when the rewards to Bitcoin miners are reduced by half and in this current halving event, the reward will drop from 6.5 BTC to 3.25 BTC and the significance of this is that the amount of Bitcoin circulating the market is reduced and demand increases.

This event is the trigger for hundreds of millions of dollars to flow into the crypto market sending Bitcoin and the altcoin market (altcoins are all crypto coins outside of Bitcoin) into a parabolic frenzy where virtually all crypto coins price go on a crazy, parabolic price run for around 18 to 24 months.

If you have never participated in a crypto bull run before, it is one of the craziest things you will ever experience as many coins can see 10X, 100X maybe even 1000X growth in as little as a few months.

It truly is bonkers to be a part of.

The 4 Phases of Bitcoins Halving Cycle

Below is an image of Bitcoins historical halving cycle:

The image above, shows the previous halving events and the price action of Bitcoin during those events.

As you can see, after Bitcoins halving event has occurred is when Bitcoin's price goes on its parabolic bull run to reach a new all time high.

And this is very significant for the wider crypto market because Bitcoin is the driver of liquidity of money in and out of crypto.

So once Bitcoin starts its bull run, money then flows into the altcoin market where it gradually makes its way from Bitcoin into the large,medium then small midcap altcoins.

Below, are the four phases of Bitcoins halving cycle:

1) Pre-Halving rally

2) Last Pre-Halving Retrace

3) Re-Accumulation

4) Post Halving Parabolic Upside

We are currently moving out of the last Pre-Halving Retrace phase into the Re-Accumulation phase.

Bitcoin is currently stuck in the $68K to $70K range and for Bitcoin to go on its parabolic run, we need to break through the $70K resistance level and challenge and exceed its previous all time high which is $73,805.

Once these price levels are exceeded, Bitcoin will go on its parabolic run towards $100K and will probably peak in price somewhere between $120K to $200K.

The Bitcoin peak will happen around December 2024 to February 2025 and the peak in the altcoin market will happen around May to June 2025.

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2) How Money Flows Through The Crypto Market During The Bull Run

It is important to have a basic understanding of how money flows through the crypto market during the bull run so you can predict how the crypto market will react thus making it easier to plan on how you're going to enter and exit your positions.

Below is a graphic of the money flow through the crypto market:

So as you can see, money flows into Bitcoin and then traders and investors liquidate their positions and then buy positions into the altcoin market gradually moving their profits from the large cap altcoins to the medium cap altcoins to eventually the small cap altcoins and then back into Bitcoin and then their Fiat currency of choice.

And because of how the money flows into Bitcoin and then the altcoin market, Bitcoin will start its parabolic run first, then in a period after Bitcoin starts its run, Ethereum and the large cap altcoins will start their bull run move and so on and so forth all the way down to the small micro cap altcoins.

If you can understand the above, you will be better positioned than the vast majority of people of how the crypto market works and how the money flows through it so you can time your entry and exits from your crypto positions.

3) How To Buy & Sell Crypto In The Bull Market

One of the key things you need to understand about making money in the crypto markets is you need to buy a coin at the right price and you need to sell at the right price to bank your profits.

And the truth is, there are so many different strategies you can use to buy into and out of your crypto positions.

And the thing you must understand is that you haven't made a profit from your crypto positions until you have sold and banked your profits and the truth is, 95% of people will lose all of their profits from their investments because they try and time the top of the market and get greedy but then the bull run ends quickly with a rapid crash in price and all profits are wiped out.

So before you even buy your crypto investments, have a clear buy and sell strategy so you don't give into FOMO or become emotional about your buy and sell decisions.

Below is a basic plan of how you can plan to buy into and sell out of your positions so you can reclaim your original investment and bank as much profit as you can.

1) Buy into your chosen crypto coins during the price dips. Never buy when the price is pumping hard by getting FOMO (fear of missing out). Now is probably the best last/best time to buy into your positions before the bull run starts proper in the next few months.

2) Decide your ideal entry price for each coin you wish to invest in. You can either place a lump sum into your chosen coins or dollar cost average into them every week/month for a set period until the coins price really takes off.

3) Before you even buy into your positions, you need to have a clear strategy of how you will take profits as your investments are going up in price.

4) DONT TRY AND TIME THE MARKET TOP! This is virtually impossible to do and will lead you most likely to losing ALL of your profits and walking away empty handed.

5) Selling too early can be as damaging as selling too late so one of the best ways to bank profit is by taking profits incrementally as the coins price rises. For example, if you bought your coin at $1 and it rises to $2, take 20% profit for example and you can use repeat this strategy every time your coin 2X's or 3X's in price.

6) Always remember that the purpose of investing in altcoins is to make cash not to store your cash value as they are by nature, extremely volatile and high risk investments. The temptation amongst many investors is to roll their profits from one altcoin to another which can bite you on the butt if you invest your profits into a different altcoin and you lose all of your profits. So when you make profits, roll your profits either into lower risk altcoins or Bitcoin OR cash out entirely into your fiat currency.

The above is just a rough guide of how to buy and cash out of your crypto investments.

The key thing is to come up with your own buy in and cash out strategy. But the key takeaways are to buy the dips in price, reclaim your initial investment and then have a free ride on your profits and to take out profits in incremental levels as your crypto coins price rises so that you can guarantee profits.

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4) How To Set Your Crypto Budgets

In this quick section, I will give you a rough guide of how you should set your crypto budget depending on your experience level of investing in crypto.

However, before you even place a dime into the crypto market, just know that over 95% of people will lose some or ALL of their money in the crypto markets this bull run.

The crypto market is like Las Vegas's casinos and it is very risky and is highly speculative and as such, you should never invest more than 5% to 10% of your net worth into crypto.

Due to crypto's highly speculative and risky nature, you should treat crypto as a more fun investment and have the mind set of if you win, great but if you don't win, no big deal, at least you took part.

Crucially, NEVER invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You have been warned but most importantly, invest smartly and just have some fun with crypto!

Below are some basic budget guidelines for crypto investors. These can be adjusted based on your own personal risk profile, experience and capital available.

1) New/Beginner Crypto Investors - Invest $100 to $200 max per coin.

2) Medium Experience Crypto Investors - Invest $400 to $500 max per coin

3) Experienced Crypto Investors - $1,000 + per crypto coin.

Also, I wouldn't invest more than 5% to 10% of your available cash into crypto.

The above is only a very rough guideline of how you can set your budgets based on your available cash and knowledge of investing in the crypto markets.

The key to takeaway is to understand the risks and never invest money that you cannot afford to lose.

If you follow this rule of thought, then you'll be ahead of most crypto investors and traders.

5) The Hottest Crypto Narratives of The Bull Run

I can say without a doubt that the crypto coins that will make the biggest moves this bull run wont be the ones that have the best technology or business model, it will be the coins that are easy to understand, have huge communities and hype behind them, have great marketing and ultimately are part of a red hot narrative.

And I can tell you that hands down that the crypto gaming and AI niches will provide coins with the biggest gains during the crypto bull run.

The crypto AI and gaming niches satisfy all of the criteria needed in order to attract silly amounts of capital from investors.

Lets look at each narrative in more detail.

Crypto AI

The crypto AI niche is red hot at the moment and its popularity is piggy backing off the explosion of the AI industry over the past 18 months with the launch of chat GPT into the main stream.

The great thing about AI is that the main stream public know about it, are interested in it and want to know more about it and maybe want to invest in the technology so when the crypto bull run really gets going, retail investors along with institutional investors will be throwing money into crypto AI coins meaning that this sector will see nuclear like gains over the next 18 months.

Another thing to consider is blockchain technology (the technology crypto runs on) and AI technology pair very well together so this makes the crypto AI space ripe for major adoption in the years ahead.

The last thing to consider is AI technology has a huge problem. And that is getting the necessary computing power to run AI technology as GPU's are expensive and are in limited supply BUT many crypto AI companies are building innovative solutions to solve this big and expensive issue.

If we take all of the above into account, many of the crypto AI coins will see nuclear like gains over the next 18 months or so and hence it is a niche worth investing in.

Crypto Gaming

The crypto gaming niche is poised to see nuclear like gains over the next 18 months as the gaming community, starts using more blockchain and crypto based games.

One of the key reasons that crypto gaming is going to be a big winner this bull run is because the gaming community is HUGE and many gamers are starting to use crypto based games such as play to earn games.

Many of the crypto gaming projects also have backing from huge influencers that are attracting a lot of attention from crypto investors and hence a lot of investor money is entering the space.

Crypto gaming is also easy to understand by the masses and the games being developed will be easily accessible for the gaming community and normal people and hence, mass adoption of crypto based games is a big possibility in the years ahead.

However the biggest winners of the crypto gaming niche will be crypto gaming studios with a whole host of games available to users and crypto companies offering infrastructure and tech to the crypto gaming niche.

So if you are looking for a red hot niche to invest in to make some nice bull run gains, then the crypto gaming niche will be one of the big winners over the next 18 months or so.

Three Crypto Coins With 10X Potential!

In this final section I will list three of my favourite crypto coins that have 10X gains potential over the next 18 months or so.

However before you read this section, I am not telling you to buy these coins or invest in them, I am merely bringing them to your attention for educational purposes so that you can do thorough research on them yourself.

Also never invest in crypto coins that you know nothing about as it is a recipe for disaster so ALWAYS do your research before investing in a coin.

So with that said here are some interesting crypto coins with big potential!

1) Fetch.ai

Fetch.ai is a crypto AI company offering a range of AI solutions and bots to businesses so they can save time and money.

This project is part of the red hot AI narrative along with an experienced management team and crucially, this crypto coin has a big community and hype behind it.

Fetch has seen impressive returns in the past 12 months with its price rising 620% in the past 12 months.

Fetch has a market cap of $2.2 Billion and I don't see why Fetch couldn't hit a $10 to $20 Billion market cap at the peak of the bull run.

This crypto coin is also easily tradeable for retail investors as it is available on most of the top crypto exchanges such as Coinbase and Binance.

2) The Graph

This is another innovative crypto AI project that can be viewed as the Google of crypto.

The Graph's technology organizes blockchain data making it easily accessible to businesses and people looking for specific data on the blockchain.

The Graph is part of the red hot AI narrative and paired with the solution it offers, means that it should see a lot of investor interest and money over the next 18 months.

The Graph has seen solid gains over the past year of 130% and its market cap currently sits at $3.1 Billion.

The Graphs price currently sits at $0.33 per coin and with the crypto market in the pre-halving lull, this coin could be a good buy opportunity.

All things said, I think this coin could see 5X to 10X peak gains during the crypto bull run.

3) Immutable X

This crypto coin is the coin for the Immutable X crypto gaming studio and it is the daddy of the crypto gaming niche.

This is a huge crypto gaming studio and it is putting out many crypto games that could see strong adoption in the years ahead.

Immutable X also has very strong hype and a community behind it which means that a strong bull run performance is a possibility.

IMX has seen solid gains this year of 140% and it has a current market cap of $3.7 Billion.

With a current price of $2.66 and the IMX coin experiencing a pre halving downturn, this could be a good buy opportunity for the bull run.

Should investors get behind this coin over the next 18 months, then peak bull run gains of 5X to 10X are a possibility.

This crypto coin is also easily tradeable on the top crypto exchanges.

4) BONUS Coin! Dogwifhat

I had to throw this crypto meme coin into this list because the meme altcoin market will see nuclear gains in the next 12 months and is on the verge of exploding.

Dogwifhat is a meme coin about a dog in a hat that has a huge community behind it meaning that this coin has exploded onto the scene over the past 6 months.

In this time WIF has scene gains of 2100% and it has a market cap of $3.8 Billion but I think this coin could see a $30 Billion plus market cap at the top of the bull run meaning that this coin could still offer 10X gains.

However, seeing that this coin has seen big gains over the past 6 months and due to the niche its in, this is a highly speculative and risky coin.

But should investors get behind this coin in the months ahead, this coin could rival Dogecoin for the largest meme coin in the niche.

Wrapping It All Up!

So if you have made it this far then you will be primed and ready to take your first steps to join the crypto bull run and you'll be ahead of 95% of novice crypto investors.

My advice to you now if you wish to invest in crypto is to choose 4 or 5 crypto coins to invest in, do heavy research into them, plan your buy and sell strategy, plan your budgets and make your bets!

But just know that crypto is highly risky and there is a high possibility that you will lose all of your money that you invest.

This is why you should only invest small amounts into crypto and to treat it more like a night at the casino and just have some fun and have the mindset of if you win, you'll make some nice gains but if you lose, no harm is done.

If you approach the crypto market with this mindset, it will be much more enjoyable for you no matter what happens.

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