Friday Bitcoin & Crypto Market Analysis

Friday Bitcoin & Crypto Market Analysis

The Bitcoin halving is just a week away so the whole crypto market will be focusing on that hoping that this will usher in the crypto bull run where Bitcoin and the whole crypto market goes parabolic.

So where are we with Bitcoin? Let's take a deeper look. 

Bitcoin is now stuck in a sideways pattern where Bitcoins price is bouncing between $67,500 and $72,000.

I expect this sideways price pattern to continue for the next few weeks perhaps a month or more until Bitcoin breaks through its all time high and approaches $80K.

Once the $80K level has been breached, Bitcoin will start its parabolic run towards $100K and possibly higher. 

But keep an eye on Bitcoins price moves because it will dictate what the altcoin market will do next. 

What's Happening In The Altcoin Market?

In terms of whats happening with the altcoin market, it has cooled down over the past few weeks and we are now in the shakeout stage prior to the altcoin market starting its parabolic bull run. 

So don't be fooled if the altcoin market is in the red or sideways in the weeks after the halving because this is historically what happens prior to the altcoin market going nuclear.

So whether you are a Bitcoin or an altcoin investor, the next month or so might be the last (best) time to buy into your positions before the whole crypto market goes nuclear. 

And the biggest crypto gainer of the week goes to Idea Chain (ICH) which achieved a mind blowing 129,768% gain in only 24 hours!

Whilst this coin might not be the highest quality project, the takeaway here is if you get into a crypto project early and follow the smart money, you can make life changing gains. 

So that's what I have for you this week.

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