How To Buy And Sell Crypto. A Guide For Beginners.

How To Buy And Sell Crypto. A Guide For Beginners.

At the time of writing this post, Bitcoin and the wider crypto market has been on a strong run for the past two months.

However on Monday December 11th, there was a sharp crypto price correction where up to 7% in Bitcoins value was wiped out in single day.

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So if you're new to crypto, you're probably wondering how and when should you buy and sell it!

Before I tell you how to buy and sell crypto, I'll quickly explain what you shouldn't do.

When crypto coins are hot, word usually spreads and this encourages lots of novice crypto investors to buy crypto coins they know nothing about.

And the biggest mistake newbies make apart from knowing nothing about the project, is buying coins that are shooting up in price.

In the crypto space, we call this FOMO or fear of missing out.

This is how it looks.

A friend tells another friend that a crypto coin is shooting up in price.

The friend tells their friend where they bought the coin and encourages them to buy it to.

So the friend goes off, joins a crypto exchange and then once they have an account, they transfer money and then buy the coin that their friend told them about thinking that they'll get rich.

But in reality what happens is that the coin then tanks in value and the friend loses a lot of the money they invested.

Here's my advice to you, don't do this!

So here is a quick run down of how to buy crypto.

How To Buy Crypto The Right Way

1) If you are completely new to crypto, I recommend that you start off buying some Bitcoin first just because it the most popular and valuable coins and it is easy to buy.

You can buy them easily on an exchange such as Coinbase which is one of the largest and most secure cryptocurrency exchanges you can use.

From here, I would buy $50 to $100 of Bitcoin just so you feel comfortable with the process of buying crypto.

Once you have done this and depending on your budget, you can buy more Bitcoin if you want.

However if your goal is to make some reasonable to maybe some very strong returns then you're going to have to invest in smaller crypto coins that have more opportunity to grow in price.

Here is how you can buy and sell crypto like a pro investor.

Research A Crypto Narrative

What smart and experienced crypto investors do, is they look for trending or popular crypto narratives or niches in crypto.

For example, crypto gaming, crypto AI or crypto Real World Assets.

So pick a niche and then study the coins in that niche.

And here's the thing, you cant research every coin in a niche as there are just too many of them.

My advice is to start off with the largest coins in that niche pick say three of the top ones and just research them.

Go to the coins website, check out to see if the project is producing any real world solutions or technology, check to see if they have a strong social media presence (especially on X).

What you are ultimately looking for, are crypto projects that could become widely adopted or used in the future and crypto coins that have a strong team and community behind them and a lot of hype.

I'll also let you in on a dirty little secret.

The reason why most crypto coins do well is because they are getting a lot of hype behind them and hence, investors are buying the hype and investing in the crypto coins that have the most hype.

I can tell you hands down, that the crypto coins that surge in value are part of a crypto niche that is getting a lot of hype and investors follow the hype and single out coins that might do well in that niche.

Crypto investing essentially boils down to finding trending or hot crypto niches and then investing in sound projects in that niche in the hope that other investors will invest in the same crypto coins that you are investing in.

I hope that this make sense!

If you really can't be bothered to do the research yourself, I can highly recommend this crypto advisory service called The Palm Beach Letter. You can join for 75% off here.

But the next question is, how do you know what price to buy or sell crypto coins?

When To Buy or Sell A Crypto Coin

The golden rule of crypto trading and investing is to buy when the price of a crypto coin is low and then sell when a crypto coin is near or at the peak.

This is easier said than done but here are some tips to help you out.

What you want to do, is go and look for your chosen crypto coin or coins on Coin Market Cap or Coin Gecko which are websites which list all of the important data and prices of crypto coins.

Search for your coin or coins and analyse the price charts.

If the coins price is surging in price and is up a significant amount say over the period of a week, I would wait until their is a price correction and the price falls.

What you want to do, is buy your crypto coin when the price is falling and it's in the red. Ultimately, you want to buy and get in at a good price so you have plenty of runway to make a sizeable profit when the coins price surges.

The only way to know this is to look at the historical price charts of the coin and analyse whether the coins price is high or low relative to the coins all time high.

This will take time and practise to get good at but all you're looking to do, is to buy your crypto coin at the lowest possible price you can.

The next question is, when do I know when to sell my crypto coin?

This is often the hardest part of being a crypto investor and trader.

Knowing when to exit your positions requires you to have a strategy and not to get emotionally involved in your crypto investments or to get too greedy.

So my advice, is to decide what return you are looking to get from your crypto investments and decide on a price range that you would be happy to sell at relative to your buy in price.

This way, you have a clear plan of when to exit your crypto positions.

I know we covered a lot here but hopefully this has given you a basic idea of how and when to buy and sell your crypto.

The only way to get good at crypto investing is to do your research and have a clear strategy in place.

This is how the top crypto investors make the biggest gains.

But most important of all, just get out there and start small and then slowly build out your crypto portfolio.

Like I said, if all of this sounds too complex to you, why not join my favourite crypto advisory service The Palm Beach Letter and let Teeka Tiwari and his team do all of the hard work for you so you don't have to. You can join for 75% off the normal price here.