Teeka Tiwari Reveals How Elon Musk's New "Chat GPT" Could Soon Mint New Millionaires.

Teeka Tiwari Reveals How Elon Musk's New "Chat GPT" Could Soon Mint New Millionaires.

In this post, I look at Teeka Tiwari's new AI discovery of how Elon Musk's new AI venture that's similar to Chat GPT could soon mint new millionaires.

In this post you will learn:

1) Who is Teeka Tiwari

2) What this new AI opportunity is all about

3) How you can get in on this exciting new AI opportunity

Teeka Tiwari has also recorded a video presentation where he discusses this opportunity in-depth that you can watch by clicking here.

Who Is Teeka Tiwari?

Teeka Tiwari is a former VP and hedge fund manager who is now chief editor of one of the worlds leading financial newsletters called The Palm Beach Letter that you can check out here if you are interested.

However he is most known as being one of the world's leading cryptocurrency experts where in 2016, he first recommended Bitcoin when it was priced a tad over $300 and later recommended Ethereum when it was trading for pennies.

He has also picked many other leading cryptocurrencies and other stocks and investments and this is why Teeka Tiwari has picked up a large and cult like following that listen to his every word and recommendation that he makes.

Whilst not all of Teeka's investment picks have been winners, he has picked more winners than losers and hence when he starts talking about something, people sit up and listen.

And most recently, Teeka has been slamming the table about AI and a new AI opportunity he thinks could soon mint millionaires and it is all to do with Elon Musk's new AI business venture which will get to right now...

What Is The Opportunity That Teeka Tiwari Discovered?

Before I get into Teeka's AI discovery, AI has boomed and hit the main stream in 2023 all triggered by the explosive launch of Chat GPT in late 2022.

Since its launch, Chat GPT has been one of the fastest growing platforms in history.

To understand how fast Chat GPT has been adopted, by January 2023, it had amassed 100 million active monthly users which makes Chat GPT the fastest growing application in history.

However, AI is still very much in it's infancy like the internet was back in 1995 so now is the perfect time to look for strong AI opportunities and investments before the industry really explodes and takes off.

And this is why Teeka Tiwari's new AI discovery is so exciting because it is being driven by one of the smartest technology entrepreneurs on the planet, Elon Musk but also a key, strategic partnership that is powering Elon's new AI venture.

So with all of this said, lets look at what opportunity Teeka has discovered.

Recently, Elon Musk has announced that he is launching his own version of Chat GPT called xAI which in Elon's own words is being created "to better understand reality".

This naturally got Teeka excited and curious so he set off on an investigation which could unearth one of the most explosive investment opportunities in history.

Teeka believes that Elon Musk's new AI venture could revolutionize the AI industry and he is now showing how ordinary people just like you, can profit from this new venture just by placing one trade in your brokerage account.

Teeka Tiwari's investigation took him to a facility 750 miles from silicon valley.

And in this facility, a company is creating a key piece of AI technology which is supplying to Elon Musk's new AI venture.

And the piece of technology being created are incredibly powerful computer chips called GPU's.

These chips have the capability to process huge amounts of data incredibly fast so that AI programmes can work effectively.

And Teeka believes that Elon is using this company to supply him with computer chips for his new AI venture.

And Elon Musk has recently tweeted that he would reveal this supplier in the 'near future'.

And Teeka believes that should Elon tweet this companies name, the share price in this company will soar.

However, big investors are already taking notice and are pouring money into this company.

Billionaire Ken Griffin, the founder of the worlds largest hedge fund, Citadel, already took a stake.

And other big investors are following suit...

And Teeka Tiwari is now advising his readers of his Palm Beach Letter service to take a stake in this company.

And if you want to get in on this potentially once in a lifetime opportunity, here's how you can do it....

How To Take A Stake In This Exciting AI Project

Teeka Tiwari and his team of researchers have recently created a suite of special reports that outline his hottest AI plays that have the potential to make sizeable returns.

And one of the reports outlines the company that is believed to be linked to Elon Musk's new AI venture xAI.

Teeka has bundled all of these reports together and is offering them to you for FREE just for giving Teeka Tiwari's Palm Beach Letter service a try.

Teeka is also giving subscribers of this offer a 75% discount on the cost of a yearly subscription PLUS you get to try The Palm Beach Letter risk free for 60 days.

So if you want access to Teeka Tiwari's FREE AI bonus bundle where he outlines his hottest AI picks, then you can join Teeka's Palm Beach Letter service here for 75% off.