The Last Ever Crypto Bull Market Is Around The Corner. This Could Be Your Last Chance To Make Serious Gains

The Last Ever Crypto Bull Market Is Around The Corner. This Could Be Your Last Chance To Make Serious Gains

Many commentators are saying that the upcoming crypto bull market will be the last one that we'll ever see. 

 And it is likely to be the largest and most epic one yet.

 The reasons for this are many but one of the big drivers will be the new spot Bitcoin ETF which will bring a huge amount of liquidity to the crypto market.

 Companies will be buying Bitcoin because of the new FASB rule. 

 Countries and central banks will be buying Bitcoin to hedge against their inflating currency.

 The FED is likely to cut rates which will create trillions of dollars of new liquidity. 

 All of this will result in massive gains for Bitcoin but for alt coins, the gains will be even bigger. 

 But once this bull cycle ends,  there are going to be severe regulations in most of the countries which will mostly affect retail investors. 

 And with these more severe regulations, retail investors wont be able to participate in ICO's or launchpads. 

 Also as the market matures, the focus will shift more towards utility rather than gambling. 

 So my advice is if you want to get involved in crypto, now is the time to do it because once this upcoming crypto bull run ends, it is unlikely it will happen again.

Teeka Tiwari has just recorded a special presentation where he talks about the last crypto bull market and how you can capitalize on it. You can watch it here.