The Palm Beach Letter Review 2023 (All You Need To Know!)

The Palm Beach Letter Review 2023 (All You Need To Know!)

Teeka Tiwari's Palm Beach Letter service has exploded in popularity in recent years thanks to Teeka Tiwari's exceptional knack of picking crypto currencies that explode in value.

Teeka was one of the first people to recommend Bitcoin and Ethereum and those who listened to his advice, had the opportunity to make gains of 9,000% on Bitcoin and 20,000% on Ethereum.

In this review, I am going to review what The Palm Beach Letter is, who Teeka Tiwari is and his track record and how his service has helped me to invest in crypto and start preparing and growing my crypto portfolio ready for the up coming crypto bull rush.

Overall rating: 4/5

What You Will Learn:

1) What is the Palm Beach Letter

2) The Palm Beach Letters investment track record

3) Who Teeka Tiwari is and his track record

4) My personal experience with The Palm Beach Letter

5) A look at what you get with The Palm Beach letter

6) How Much The Palm Beach Letter Costs

What Is The Palm Beach Letter?

The Palm Beach Letter is an investment newsletter led by Teeka Tiwari and his team of investment analysts and writers where they aim to bring their readers investments that they won't find on wall street.

A heavy portion of Teeka Tiwari's research and recommendations is in new and disruptive technologies such as cryptocurrencies and AI stock picks which could potentially give huge gains to his readers.

But the Palm Beach Letter investment portfolio is diverse and includes regular stocks and equities.

But heading into 2024, I fully expect Teeka Tiwari and his team to focus heavily on finding and recommending promising crypto projects as next year will be the start of the crypto bull run where the wider crypto market surges in value as billions flood into the crypto space.

Teeka has also started issuing new research and picks on key AI stocks as the booming AI industry looks set to explode as we head into 2024.

Recently, Teeka has also been issuing major warnings about how the US dollar could collapse and be recalled amid speculation of the introduction of a US digital dollar and hence, Teeka has issued key investment reports of how investors can protect their wealth should the US economy collapse and the US dollars dramatically lose its value.

In summary, if you are interested in investing in new and immerging technologies such as crypto currencies and key AI stocks but also on how to protect your wealth for the future from potential financial crashes and catastrophise, The Palm Beach Letter would be perfect for you.

What Is The Palm Beach Letters Track Record?

Teeka Tiwari and his team have an uncanny knack at picking investments that bring in solid returns particularly cryptocurrencies and AI.

Two of Teeka's best performing investment recommendations have been Bitcoin which returned 9,285.5% from when he first recommended it and Ethereum has returned 20,377.3% from when Teeka first recommended it.

Other notable investment picks that have performed well is an AI company called Nvidia which has returned 605.8% from when Teeka first recommended it.

As I browse through Teeka Tiwari,s entire investment portfolio, many of his recommendations have given his readers solid returns and the overall portfolio as has performed extremely well posting total returns of 718% across the entire portfolio.

If I calculate the total returns on the crypto portfolio picks, the total returns are 4,210% which in my book is exceptional. And this figure will only increase as Teeka issues more picks and as we head towards the crypto bull run which is due in 2024.

It is also important to mention that not everyone of Teeka's picks has returned positive gains. No one can have a 100% track record with investing and anyone who tells you otherwise is clearly not telling the truth.

But it is clear to me that the overall performance of The Palm Beach Letters investment portfolio is strong and as Teeka and his team issue more crypto and AI picks, I fully expect the returns of The Palm Beach Letter portfolio to only increase further.

Are you ready to join The Palm Beach Letter? You can join here for 75% off.

Who Is Teeka Tiwari And What's His Track Record?

Teeka Tiwari is a former hedge fund manager, wall street executive, financial news personality and now he's one of the worlds top crypto currency experts.

He grew up with nothing and was raised as a foster child and had a very difficult childhood.

At age 16, he moved to the New York with only $150 in his pocket and the clothes that he was wearing.

But just two years later he landed an entry level job at Lehman Brothers.

By age 20, he became the youngest vice president in Shearson Lehman history, making more money than he ever thought possible.

Since then, he has gone onto become the #1 most trusted expert in cryptocurrency which was given to him by over 130,000 different analysts.

Due to Teeka's success and experience, he founded The Palm Beach Letter along with Legacy Research in 2011 where Teeka has gone onto help thousands of his readers to make life changing gains.

He first recommended cryptocurrencies in 2016 where he first recommended Bitcoin which has returned over 9,000% since he first recommended it and later Ethereum which has returned over 20,000%.

He has also had some other notable winners such as Boston Scientific which returned 219% and AI chip maker Nvidia which has returned 605%.

Due to his knack of spotting trends and high growth investments especially in cryptocurrency, Teeka has an ever growing loyal fanbase of thousands of investors who follow him waiting for him to drop his next big growth investment pick.

And Teeka Tiwari's status will grow even bigger as we head into 2024 as he issues his next round of crypto and AI picks and his unique wealth protection and growth strategies.

My Personal Experience With The Palm Beach Letter

I first heard about Teeka Tiwari early in 2020 when I heard him talking about cryptocurrency and his "Investment of The Decade" which happened to be Ethereum.

From then I have been an avid follower of Teeka and hence, I decided to join his Palm Beach Letter service in late 2021 as I wanted to start investing in crypto and I knew that Teeka was the man to follow.

From then on, I have devoured Teeka Tiwari's research and started growing my crypto portfolio gradually following his recommendations over the past two years.

I went through Teeka's excellent Crypto Corner course which is a foundational course teaching beginners what crypto is and how it works and crucially, how to buy, sell and safely store crypto investments.

I will never forget making my first Bitcoin purchase on Coinbase for £30 as a "test" and I was so nervous!

But alas as soon as I made the purchase, I was hooked and started slowly building out my crypto portfolio.

The crypto market took a major hit in 2022 where the prices of Bitcoin and other cryptos sank to lows not seen in a while which presented me with an opportunity to buy crypto coins at bargain prices.

And hence, I have slowly been growing my crypto portfolio in readiness for the crypto bull run which is expected to start at some point in 2024.

If you don't know, the crypto bull run is when billions pour into the crypto space from investors and crypto prices soar as demand outstrips supply.

And at the time of writing this review, my crypto portfolio is up over 50% as crypto prices have been surging so my investment in The Palm Beach Letter is already starting to see great returns and I fully expect to make significant gains in 2024 during the crypto bull run.

So in summary, I love The Palm Beach Letter and I credit the service and Teeka Tiwari for introducing me cryptocurrency and giving me the research and knowledge to invest in crypto wisely.

What Do You Get With The Palm Beach Letter?

In this final section, I will go over what you get with membership to the Palm Beach Letter so you can make a decision as to whether it is the right financial newsletter for you.

The Palm Beach Letter Monthly Newsletter

The first thing that you get is Teeka's monthly updates on his latest investment ideas and opportunities.

The newsletter is generally delivered in written format but occasionally, Teeka will do a personal video update if his updates are important enough.

Teeka will also issue special updates when there is breaking news or breaking new research and investment opportunities that have just been released in the members area.

Some of the recent updates have been on very important topics such as "How to protect yourself from the US Digital Dollar" (which is coming soon!) and "How to mentally prepare for a Bitcoin ETF approval" which will allow billions of dollars to flood into Bitcoin.

Teeka is also set to put out a massive update in his next monthly newsletter as he will be sharing some breaking and exciting new research which will be released around mid November 2023.

From my own personal perspective, I love Teeka Tiwari's monthly newsletter as it quickly brings me up to date with the latest news and research especially in terms of the economy, any major crypto news or new crypto research and investment ideas.

Crypto Corner Master Course

This is a complete course on how to get started investing in cryptocurrency. The course walks you through the basics of crypto, how to buy, trade and sell crypto, more advanced crypto trading strategies, how to safely store your crypto, how to stake your cryptos so you can earn interest and an introduction to web 3.0.

After you have been through this course, you will have the knowledge and confidence that you need to build your crypto investing strategy, how to safely buy, sell and store your crypto so you can get started and start your crypto investing journey!

Going through this course was key for me having the confidence and knowledge to not only buy crypto for the first time but also to steadily grow a 4-figure crypto portfolio!

The Palm Beach Letter Portfolio

This section of The Palm Beach Letter lists all of Teeka Tiwari's investment picks including entry prices, stop loss prices and the returns each investment has yielded since they were recommended.

This is a handy resource because you can quickly see all of the investments and how they are doing in terms of returns so you can quickly asses which investment is right for you.

Special Reports

This section of The Palm Beach Letter is my favourite because this is where Teeka lists all of his research reports that contain all of his investment recommendations that is a goldmine of knowledge regarding some of the hottest investments and investment advice that you wont find anywhere else.

Each special report is anywhere between 7 to 20 pages in length so they are easy to read and digest. They give clear research and evidence backing up why each one of Teeka's recommendations has potential for growth, whilst also giving clear guidance of entry prices and position sizes as well as where to purchase the investments from.

I will now list some of my favourite reports for you to look at:

The Escape Plan: How to ‘Opt Out’ of the System & Secure a 16x Return

This special report details very important information about how The financial elite are coming for the rest of your assets with a plan to reset our financial system and the dollars in your bank account.

In this special report, Teeka reveals what this plan is… how it could reset the U.S. dollar… and most importantly, how to protect yourself from this wealth transfer.

Teeka's uncovered a powerful way to protect your assets from the hands of these financial elites – while also making a fortune in the process with an investment that could 16x. 

The 7 - Figure Crypto Retirement Portfolio

In this special report, Teeka reveals what his next big growth cryptocurrencies are that could search in the upcoming crypto bull run that's expected in 2024.

Teeka lists two of his favourite crypto tokens that could explode in value and gives solid research and evidence as to why these crypto coins have big future growth potential.

Needless to say that after reading this report, I invested some money in both of these crypto picks and only a few short weeks, I am already seeing gains!

You don't want to miss these crypto's!

The AI Crypto Moonshot

In this special report, Teeka reveals how billions are starting to flow into a new area of the crypto market. he call AI crypto coins.

These are tokens that power AI blockchain platforms. They combine the two biggest technologies of this century: blockchain and artificial intelligence.

In this special report, Teeka reveasl a crypto project that uses blockchain technology to quickly, efficiently, and securely pull online data used by large AI models.

Teeka believe's it has the potential to do for AI what Google did for the internet. And based on his research, it has a blue-sky potential of 10,850%.

Needless to say after reading this report, I have placed some funds into this potentially ground breaking crypto coin!

How To Profit From Elon Musk's New AI Venture

Elon Musk’s past ventures have changed the world and made a lot of people filthy rich. That’s why Teeka is so excited about Musk’s new AI venture…

In this special report, he'll tell you the name of the AI project Musk is working on and the company he believes will be its key supplier. 

Based on his research, this supplier could potentially double your money from this project. That would be an incredible gain from a blue-chip company.

But you’ll need to act quickly…

If Musk mentions the name of this supplier in a tweet or during a press conference, there’s no telling how high shares could go. 

If you are interested and believe in AI technology, then this report is a must to read!

Pro's & Cons of The Palm Beach Letter

The Palm Beach has many positives but there are a few things it could improve upon:


1) Detailed monthly financial research and investment newsletter

2) Get regular crypto and AI investment picks

3) Get Teeka's crypto corner crypto course

4) Teeka is a crypto expert and was voted the #1 most trusted person in crypto

5) Access to a vault of dozens of research and investment reports

6) Save 75% off the normal Palm Beach Letter price with this exclusive deal

7) You get a full 60 day money back guarantee

8) Complete access to Teeka's model investment portfolio


1) No community or forum

2) crypto investments can be highly volatile

How Much Is The Palm Beach Letter?

A 12 month Palm Beach Letter subscription typically costs $199

But if you decide to join today, you get a steep 75% discount where you can join for only $49 which is only $4 per month.

And don't forget, you get a full 60 day satisfaction guarantee so if you aren't satisfied completely, you can call the US based customer care team and they will refund your payment in full.

So why not join the tens of thousands of happy readers of The Palm Beach Letter today and start your investment journey with the #1 most trusted person in crypto today.

Simply click the link below to check your order and make your payment.

Join Now & Save 75% And Get Instant Access To Teeka's Top Crypto & AI Picks